Friday, May 16, 2014

Congratulations to my Daughter Tara

So my daughter Tara has been wanting to do cheer leading since she was in 5th grade. It was one thing she couldn't stop talking about trying out for when she started 6th grade. Originally she went to Storm Grove Middle, but when her dad and I moved out of their zone, She was moved to Gifford Middle. At first her father and I did not want her going there, but to the area the school is located in, but the school has has an A+ grade for the past 11 years. Once she got there and started she absolutely loves it. Yay!!!!

So Tara tried out for cheerleading in 6th grade going into 7th and unfortunately she did not make it :( We were all upset but I told her that it was ok, and she could try out new year and look at all the experience she gained while trying out, she was uneasy, but I reassured her that she would shine next year. 

So here we are 7th grade going into 8th grade. Try outs came around. She did the 2 day cheer clinic that the coach offers to help the girls get ready for try outs if they choose. Coincidentally try outs were on the same day they were going up to their Bio moms house for the weekend/Mothers Day. So she had the link to check the site later that night and i did as well. 

Well I tried to check the site while I was driving home from Sanford, but I was unable to focus. Eyes go on the road!!! No worries, no accidents :) About a 1/2 hour after I got home, and got Baby M to bed, She calls me from her Bio Moms phone and asked me if i had a chance to check the site, and I said "No, i tried, but I havent been able to yet" she screamed I made it!!!! I made the Spirit Team!!!! 

OMG!!! Im so happy and proud of my baby girl. She did it, She made it, 

Now here comes a fun filled summer and new school year of practices, pep rallys, games, and competitions. 

Here is Tara, One of the newest members of the Gifford Middle Spirit Team Cheer leaders. Tara in her shirt that she wore the following Monday to school along with all the other members of the Spirit Team and Competition Team to let the whole school know they made the team!!!!

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